Sylvania 7" Mini Express--Movies?????


Apr 27, 2011
Is it possible to watch movies on the Sylvania 7" mini express? I tried downloading a movie onto a flashdrive then transferring it to the sd card, but it will not read the movie.
Unfortunately, mp4 is a container, not a codec. An mp4 file can contain video which uses any of many codecs. Your actual video could be mpeg-1, h.264, mpeg-4, divx, xvid, or countless other codecs. You can identify what codec the file is by running gspot on your PC, or just install moboplayer to your tablet - it will play lots of different formats. I cannot say whether it will work properly though, as I don't have any movies on my tablet. You can download it Here. It's really for high-end devices, and our Sylvanias have low-end processors.
I actually downloaded ACT 1 app, I have some of every format and it is playing for me. But what i did was placed my memory card into my phone since it is also an android and downloaded my movies to there. when i tried the flash drive method it did read the movie but it didn't move the whole movie to my memory card.
It's strange because I downloaded a video, and it worked. i will try your suggestions, thanks.
I've played High-Def (750p) .AVI files on my tablet, so I know it can handle that. I imagine it can handle most non-DRM'd or proprietary formats. So mpeg-1 and avi mostly. I wouldn't lay bets on wmv or mov without special players.