Sylvania 7" Sytabex7-2 Express Plus PROBLEMS!


Dec 18, 2011
I just got a Sylvania Sytabex7-2 Express Plus from CVS and I'm having some issues. I have a 2gb sd card so I know that shouldn't be the problem, but I'm not a techy so I'm not sure.

1: It won't stay connected to the internet. No matter the connection. I tried my colleges wifi, my boyfriends college wifi, and even home wifi. All of these worked for my other tablet (was a polaroid...but fell and the screen broke so got this one). And when it does connect, its SUPER slow. I don't understand what's wrong with it. I have barely any programs on it.

2: Angry birds runs really slow and lags a lot... Is this happening to anyone else?

3: It takes a LONG time to turn on... probably around a minute or two. Is this normal?

4: Overall, it's decent... I'm just running into these issues a lot and it's getting frustrating. I think I have the 2.2 Android system, but I don't know? Am I able to upgrade to the 2.3?

5: Also, the music and pictures I have on my SD card aren't importing automatically? Do I have to import them manually? How do I do this?

Please help!!! :confused:
I just got a Sylvania Sytabex7-2 Express Plus from CVS and I'm having some issues. I have a 2gb sd card so I know that shouldn't be the problem, but I'm not a techy so I'm not sure.

1: It won't stay connected to the internet. No matter the connection. I tried my colleges wifi, my boyfriends college wifi, and even home wifi. All of these worked for my other tablet (was a polaroid...but fell and the screen broke so got this one). And when it does connect, its SUPER slow. I don't understand what's wrong with it. I have barely any programs on it.

2: Angry birds runs really slow and lags a lot... Is this happening to anyone else?

3: It takes a LONG time to turn on... probably around a minute or two. Is this normal?

4: Overall, it's decent... I'm just running into these issues a lot and it's getting frustrating. I think I have the 2.2 Android system, but I don't know? Am I able to upgrade to the 2.3?

5: Also, the music and pictures I have on my SD card aren't importing automatically? Do I have to import them manually? How do I do this?

Please help!!! :confused:

Welcome, join the discussion in the Sylvania Tablets forum where several of the Sticky threads at the top of the forum and a quick search using the "Search Forum" will result in a few posts specific to your issues.
Resources for the SYNET7LP/SYTABEX7/Disgo 6000

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