Sylvania synet7lp won't switch into portrait mode using Aldiko or Laputa


Jul 6, 2011
I bought the sylvania synet7lp to use as an eReader, but I can't get it to switch to portrait mode in Aldiko or Laputa. It works everywhere else, just not to read books. I can have the device in portrait mode then start Aldiko and it's in portrait mode until I select the book I want to read then the book apears in Landscape. when I change the setting in Aldiko for portrait is doesn't affect anything, the book remains in Landscape. Has anyone else experienced this? It's driving me crazy! The book is in ePub format, could it be a setting in the format of the book itself.

Any direction would be apreciated.
Try rotating your display first, then launching the program. Sometimes this helps me.
Thanks, I tried that. I switch to portrait open the app and the app is in portrait,but as soon as I select a book it goes landscape. I've tried a couple different books. White Fang (came with Aldiko) and one of my own. They both do the same thing. There's a setting for portrait while the book is open, I've set that and it still goes landscape. arg! I'm losing my mind. I guess I'm going to try learning to read in landscape, it's just doesn't feel natural. I want Portrait dag-nab-it!
What ver is it running? 2.1 or 2.2? I have the Beta_4 which is 2.2 running on mine. and I believe, would have to look it up, is running the 4.x ver of Laputa. I get everything in portrait. I do remember before updating to 2.2 having to read in landscape. But I think you should update you software. that problem has been fixed. All you need to know to do this is listed here. if you can't I can send you the updated Laputa apk. or you can Google it. 4.x not 3.x is what you want.