Syncing Outlook WITHOUT using Google?


Oct 13, 2011
Is this possible? I did a search and wasn't able to find much on this. I'm not talking about an exchange setup. I use Outlook for everything, email, scheduling, contacts, etc. But for reasons I won't go into here I do NOT want to upload information to google just to re-download it again to sync.

Is this possible?

I think companionlink might work (tried the trial once, but its only 14 days), but it costs way too much money. Is there a solution that is free or open source? Or at least under $10? Having an android tablet, but not having sync functionality is really screwing me over.

syncing contacts and calendar are my top priorities for this. I've been looking for answers to this problem all day for the past 2 days, and haven't come up with anything.

Do people really not use Outlook outside of Exchange anymore? o_O
I don't know of anyone who uses Outlook outside of Exchange anymore. You're going to have to use Google to get what you need done-I don't know of any free apps that will do it.
Ugh. That just means that I have to save money for the one and only app that will do it. Thanks for the info.