SYTABEX7-2 Menu Button


Aug 14, 2012

The menu button of a new Sylvania SYTABEX7-2 (Android 2.2) does not respond. The power button does work, however. I cannot advance to the touchscreen calibration.

I tried the three-finger reset, and the message said there was no disc image.

Is there somewhere else I should look on the forum, or something else I should try? This is not my tablet, but my husband's mother's. I would like to get this working for her, because she was awfully excited about it.

Customer service at Digital Gadgets does not look promising. Are they responsive to e-mails? (Their phone message says they no longer take customer service calls.)

Thank you,
Oh, it works. I pulled the power icon from the bottom up to a dot that appears when you touch the screen. This should have been obvious to me -- I noticed that dot before. Nowhere does it say to do this, however, so perhaps this will help some other confused person later on.