Tablet for Mp3 use only


Nov 4, 2013
I am an absolute stranger to Tablets, Androids etc. My faithful car MP3 Player has given up the ghost after 20 years service. I was wondering if I can buy a 7" Tablet to replace it. All I want is for a Tablet to do the following things

1. Play MP3 music
2. Be able to read ID3 tags
3. Resume function, ie if the Tablet is switched off while playing a song, will it resume at the exact same spot.
4. Display just the Song Title and Artist Name in large clear text.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible in a Tablet, and if so recommend one?

I am not interested in any of the other functions of a Tablet.

Hope someone can help and Thanks for reading this.
Thanks for the reply. Let me explain my request. I have a very large music collection (15,000 plus) I play it from start to finish in the car, (the reason I need a resume function).
The screen's on Phones and Media Players are tiny, while driving, I need to glance now and then at the screen to see the name of an artiste or song, without being a danger to other road users. Thus the reason for wanting large black text on a plain white screen or vice versa, on a 7" screen. No fancy graphics, equalizers or bells and whistles.
I can do this on my PC at home, so I wondered if I can manipulate a Tablet enough to get what I want.
If these are mp3's and I'm doing my math right you need 50 or 60 gigs of storage. Archos used to offer hd's in some of their tablets, they got their start producing some very good media devices, but I don't know if they still do. If you could find an Archos 5IT that came with a 250 gig hd it sounds perfect for you. Might want to check ebay.
Yes you have got your maths right, I use 59 gig. I did purchase an Archos with a 500g hard drive, I managed to get it to do exactly what I wanted, indoors. But when I put it in the car I found the Volume was too low. Researching I found that EU law makes Archos downgrade the volume. I even tried an amplifier (fiiO) but too much noise. I was so frustrated, I pulled the 500g disc out and am using it for other purposes. I even tried a Media Player with a 4.3" screen, it did not read ID3 tags, and the text was so small I could just about read it while holding the Player in my hand.
I think I will just buy a cheap tablet and try and find out if it can be configured to my requirements.
Post your solution here if possible, I know it could be useful info.
I think I will just buy a cheap tablet and try and find out if it can be configured to my requirements.

A tablet with an MSD slot and a 64GB card might do the job. Just curious, how did you make 59 gigs available to a 20 year old MP3 player?
20 years was an off the cuff comment. I have been playing recorded music in my cars since the early 70's using the old C90 tapes, but converted to digital in the late 90's. This was my first and only MP3 player.
It was called "mStation/Neo Jukebox" it was based on a 3.5" hard drive. The Ver 1 only used a 10gig drive and had bugs. V2 was faultless and I gradually increased the drive capacity, as my collection grew, mine was using a 80gig drive when it died, earlier this year. It even had an automatic switchable FM Modulator that played on the car radio. Unfortunately the company went bust around the start of this century.