Tablet for reading


Oct 8, 2011
Is there currently any Android tablet on market in US/Europe which has the following features:

- at least 10" screen or bigger
- aspect ratio needs to be 4:3 (it will be used for PDF and DJVU reading, so 16:10 or 16:9 or any other aspect is not an option)
- Android OS 3.0 or higher
- usb port
- wifi would be ok but it isn't mandatory

Besides reading, I will also use tablet for software development so I expect heavy day to day use.
I've looked almost anywhere (ebay, amazon...) and could not find one which fits into this specs. Most troubling to me is the aspect ratio of 4:3, it's really puzzling to me why most producers make it 16:10 or 16:9. Would it be nice to read all my PDF IT book collection in standard format? :)
I was curious, so did my own searching and found the LePan TC-970. Not QUITE what you want, but close:
9.7" screen instead of 10"+.
Android 2.2 (Froyo), but promised upgrade to IceCreamSandwich before the end of 2011.
1024 x 768 (4:3).
Funky 30-pin USB port, but with supplied adapter (to male standard USB - need female to female in order to use USB sticks.)
EXCELLENT customer reviews (on Amazon.)

ALSO: Check out the Wopad M12 (available from Chinese sellers.)
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I was curious, so did my own searching and found the LePan TC-970. Not QUITE what you want, but close:
9.7" screen instead of 10"+.
Android 2.2 (Froyo), but promised upgrade to IceCreamSandwich before the end of 2011.
1024 x 768 (4:3).

Hi thanks for reply, I also noticed LePan tablet. I really like the display and all the other device features except OS ( I would really need at least 3.0 for testing and debugging apps on real device in Eclipse/DDMS). Could you please point me to where they have promised upgrade to Android 4? If that is really the case I think I'll buy it for sure! :D review by Kristofer Bozio "dracos":

Yes it's running Android 2.2, some people might think that's old and ask why not
Gingerbread or Honeycomb. I thought the same thing so I asked them and they told
me to expect an update last quarter of 2011 with Ice Cream Sandwich, they told
me they decided to skip Gingerbread and Honeycomb and wait until the next major
Android release.

And another review (EnriqueT):

My tablet came with the latest firmware and I also have comfirmed that Le Pan
plans on issuing an update to the Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) in the first
quarter of 2012.
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They did originally plan to update this tablet to ICS, but later retracted that, and have officially confirmed they will not. They made a new one instead, and it looks awesome, but the 970 isn't going to be upgraded.

Oops - didn't check date. Sorry for thread necro.
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