Tablet for Sky Map


Jun 4, 2010
I am really wanting to use Google Sky Map on an android tablet.

Has anyone seen an upcoming tablet that claims to have the sensors necessary to fully run Sky Map?

I am having a hard time finding out exactly what Sky Map requires -- I presume it needs digital compass, GPS, and orientation sensor (or maybe accelerometer). Anyone know for sure?

The closest thing I've seen, which seems to have it all, is the forthcoming Moto-Amp:
MOTO Development Group
...contacted the company and they said in essence "we are being acquired by Cisco and the Amp will not be available..."

I hope that means it will be repackaged as a Cisco or Linksys product...
All you need for skymap is a GPS and a net connection. The compass and GPS work together in most application so virtually any android device should do the job
All you need for skymap is a GPS and a net connection. The compass and GPS work together in most application so virtually any android device should do the job
I couldn't get it to work on my aPad (Moonse E-7001). The screen would just jump around like crazy until I touched it. (note that the Moonse doesn't have a GPS)
FYI - I found out one of the developer's email address and asked and got this reply (thanks Kevin for being forthcoming):


Sorry for the slow response. I've been out of the office for the last two weeks.

Sky Map requires compass and accelerometer. A location service is nice (GPS or cellular), but is not required because you can enter your location manually. If you have those two things, then Sky Map should work.

Good luck!
