Tablet help - newbie


Feb 28, 2011
Hi, I have just got a 7" android tablet (model number off the back says M001) but think its a clone of the Eken M001.

Its seems to work ok, but is a bit slow, what can I do to it to make it run faster?

When you turn it on it gives you the following info :-

Android Versions 1.6
Kernel Version 2.6.29
WMT SDK 1.7.2

Never had one of these before so not sure how to update the firmware etc.

Also how do you access the android market etc?

Will this run AVI files, as can't check yet as not got a SD card to put one on.

Any help is appreciated as I'm a newbie.

Slow: try a taskkiller
Update: contact supplier for ROM update
Android market: lot's of chinese clones aren't allowed on the Android Market. Use another market (Appbrain).
AVI: Rockplayer should work.

task killers are bad do a google search for how android manages memory

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Why are task killers bad? They improve battery life and lower cpu usage.
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The most inexpensive digital tablet I have found, that works well, is the DigiPro WP5540. It retails for under $50. I got one for my grandchildren's computer on sale, at TWO fof $49, plus shipping. When I set it up for them, I found it performed about as well as my Wacom Pen Partner, which I bought, about four years ago, for $100.