Tablet in car questions


Mar 31, 2012
G`day folks
I`ve got a cheapy tablet i bought about 6 or 8 months ago, its one of these no-name chinese knockoffs. It crapped itself not long after i got it so i loaded an os (sorry if that the wrong term) from here (Android version 2.2, kernel 2.6.32, version 1.1.1). The only thing i can see that might be able to narrow it down is the LED on startup is blue and stays that way.
Anyway, the better half has bought another better quality tablet and being the skinflint i am i thought i`d use the old tablet in the transit i`n doing up to control various features such as the electric windows i`m fitting, the projector i`ll be fitting, gps (not instaled in this tablet, is there a work around?) and whatever else i can get it to do.
Anyway my question is, is this possible? is there a site or a how to to do all this or am i just dreaming? I searched the forum but couldnt find anything like what i want.
Cheers all
Well, if the features you are requesting is not built right into it like the GPS you mentioned, then you are out of luck. There is not much you can do in the way of software, now hardware changes... that is harder question to answer.