Tablet is Locked Up


Dec 14, 2012
I just Just got a Mid 7' Google Android 4.0 OS . I charged it up , Now when i turn it on it's like it is locked up. it comes on but all i get ,is time date and looks like a phone numbers. it wont do anything. model m729B
Hi Stormy, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join this discussion and try to help. Good luck and enjoy the forum!
Hmm.. very odd.. you might want to get the Android SDK and google for "ADB reboot recovery" along with your OS (Windows, Linux, Mac..) once you've run that command this tablet will reboot into it's recovery and wipe itself, it's important that you leave it plugged in.

Also note: the m729b has a quirk, there's no menu for it's recovery console.. just let it SIT, Plugged in, for 20-30 minutes. eventually it will reboot on it's own and *Should* be working, if not, then you've certainly got a dud.