Tablet Keyboard app by Pretty Easy


Senior Member
Oct 19, 2011
I missed the usefulness of the keyboard arrow keys when using my GT, so I was glad to find the donation version ($1.20) of the Tablet Keyboard app. The arrow keys work well for positioning the cursor, but I'm unable to figure out how to use some of the other keys, like the Select All, Copy, Paste, etc. For example, I've copied text to the clipboard and then attempted to paste it into a new Word document using the Paste key, but nothing happens. Does anyone here use the app and can enlighten me? Thanks!
Okay, just in case anyone else was equally inexperienced in using Tablet Keyboard. I.A. Type, or Swype (all tried by me because they have arrow keys), the selection key, copy, cut, paste, select all, etc., work fine in Gmail (and probably many other places), but not in QuickOffice. I think the latter program insists on using its own selection technique.