Tablet PC Noob to All things Android


Mar 29, 2011
I am about to start college as an engineering student and I have been looking into a laptop or Tablet but am looking for something that I could take some notes on and maybe during breaks tinker with a little programming I am looking for something inexpensive that I am not going to worry if I accidentlly spill my soda on or drop it.

I am mainly a Windows user and here are my basic programs that I use for day to day use.
Visual Studio 2010 Express
Microsoft Office 2010 Student
FireFox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer,

I would like to get an Android or Linux Based Tablet because it would make it easyer to carry around and I have seen some of the Features of Android 2.2 and Linux and liking what I see. I am hoping that someone out there could point me in the direction of finding the right kind of tablet and software similar to the above posted.

Android tablets wont get you much work done. You need to invest in a Windows tablet, like jpfx suggested.
Arreladd, if you're using Visual Basic 2010 Express, you're going to need to get yourself a Tablet PC running Windows, I can look at some places and find you some options if you give me a price range.