Tablet S: Known Exchange problem in email app


Aug 17, 2012
Hi all, I'm new to the Sony Tablet. New to Android. But I've got lots of experience posting on internet messageboards, so I've got that going for me ;).

Anyhow, got the 32GB tablet on the W00t special two weeks ago. Opened it up a couple days ago, upgraded to ICS (4.0.3), and went to town. Ba-da-da-da-DA! I'm lovin' it!

However, I did find one nasty issue with the native email app. I googled all over the place, did a support chat, and was advised to call. Spent an hour with level one support trying to convince the guy it wasn't a problem with the exchange server. Finally got to level two- "Oh yeah, we know about that. It even happens sending to our internal exchange server. No ETA on a fix". :eek:

The bug is when replying (and probably also forwarding) exchange emails. When you click 'send', it will say "one or more email addresses is incorrect". Doing a little investigating, I noticed it's because the client is incorrectly parsing the addresses on the to: and cc: lines. It uses the first space-delimited token of the person's DISPLAY name, instead of the email address field. So if it's from "John Smith", the return address will be simply "John". Obviously this won't work!

As a workaround, I've installed the 30 day trial of touchdown. Wouldn't have a problem paying the 20 bucks for it, but I actually like the default email program better. Hopefully they'll come up with a fix before my 30 days are up.

Speaking of which...anyone know how a fix for this email app would be distributed? I've seen that plenty of the apps in my "google play" area have been updated, but the email app is not in there. Would this just be part of a general OS upgrade (meaning I'd likely have to wait for jellybean?)

Welcome to the forum Bucky, glad you found us.

Just between you and me, there are far better mail apps than the one that comes with Android. (The truth is that there is a better app for just about any of the default apps). And you are correct in that the only way that mail app will get an update is if Sony elects to include it in an update.

Touchdown is a great app, but you may want to try some other mail apps with more capabilities than the default. K-9 and MailDroid are both great and free, but my favorite is Kaiten, ($5 and worth every penny), which is a super set of K-9. They all do more, like searching all the mail., select all functions and more.

But I think it would be best if you found an alternative even if you are fond of the default.
Thanks Leeshor! I did try the free k9 version. It couldn't accept a login name that is different than the email address. Will try the paid version; hopefully that is more flexible. One other feature I am searching for is a schedule like I have on my windows phone (i'm stuck with it for the time being due to circumstances beyond my control). I am a little disappointed with this tablet's battery life, so I want to set it up for 'as items arrive' during business days, and hourly otherwise. Will give it a spin. Thanks again!
Thanks Leeshor! I did try the free k9 version. It couldn't accept a login name that is different than the email address. Will try the paid version; hopefully that is more flexible. One other feature I am searching for is a schedule like I have on my windows phone (i'm stuck with it for the time being due to circumstances beyond my control). I am a little disappointed with this tablet's battery life, so I want to set it up for 'as items arrive' during business days, and hourly otherwise. Will give it a spin. Thanks again!

Is the battery life issue due to it running down when sleeping? If so there is a free app in the Store called Auto Airplane Mode (by DON) that will be a big help..

Any active widgets or active wallpaper kill battery life, (just an fyi)
I use Touchdown on my Evo and two tablets. Great application.

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