Tablet Shows Screen Saver, Nothng Else


Oct 28, 2012
Hi all. First let me apologise, I have searched the forums but nothing seems to cover what I am looking for. I bought my grandson a Pipo Max1 tablet for Christmas. it was fine at first but then the tablet wouldn't hold a charge, until one day last week when he went to switch it on nothing happened. I discovered the 2 pin mains adaptor was faulty and the the tablet had fully discharged. He had left it for over week at his college before bringing it to me, so the battery was completely flat.I recharged the tablet using a new adaptor but now the only thing on the screen is the screen saver, a flashing cursor which enables me to bring up a keyboard, and a message at the bottom of the screen saying No Internet connection. I know nothing about tablets but I think The tablet has gone back to it's basic factory state. Is there any way that I can bring back the tablet to it's working state?
Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.

A very sad grandad :(
My apologies. This senile old grandad had forgotten that the tablet was password protected. All is fine and dandy now. :eek:
Glad to hear it was an easy solution and you figured out both the faulty charger and the password.