Tablet Stuck in Android Introductory Screen


Jun 28, 2012
Hey guys!

I'm experiencing a problem with my tablet. The tablet is a T02A model from Shenzhen Forward Technology.
Some days ago I turned it on, and it didn't load the Android system. And it is still not loading. In other words, when I turn it on, it seems to be stuck in the Android introductory screen.
The video of what is happening (50 secs):

I've tried so many combination of buttons to perform a hard reset, but none seems to work...

Does anybody have a clue on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!
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have you tried to use adb?

Hey vampirefo!

I haven't tried to use it, because I don't know how to.
Could you explain in a few words how I can do that or just post a good link that explains?

Is it an easy process?

i got the same prob my tablet is ONDA VI10 and i dont have any idea how to upgrade the firmware :(
hope u guys can help me :)