Tablet with Froyo and App Market


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2010
Hi to all,

I've tried a search across the forum but hadn't found what I'm asking now...

Somewhere over the Internet I've read that "probably" Google wouldn't allow to use App Market to Tablet with Froyo because of the fact that the OS wasn't intended for Hardware like these and the apps would probably run with errors or other bad things.

Now my answer is : Tablet with 2.2 have full access to the Android App Market? there are any problems running app designed for mobile phone on tablets?

The simple answer is yes, you have access to Market. The more complex answer is there are apps on market which are not available or searchable due to restrictions in version search elements for the app.
The apps available are in the tens if not hundreds of thousands. What you may have done is misread. Google has stated that Froyo was never designed for Tablets. And recommended individuals to not buy or install 2.2 on tablets. This is more of a lead in to 2.3/2.4 Gingerbread/Honeycomb. These are much more Tablet friendly.
And to answer the other misunderstanding. There is no specific CPU or Memory limitation for either (2.3/2.4) It will be more a limitation what the manufacturer decides to support and build a Firmware build for a tablet.
There are known limitations for specific CPUs and Chipsets. It may be possible to install it. It just will not be as full featured.
Sort of like installing Windows 7 on a P3 computer. It can be done. But it would be a question of why?
thx for the real quick answer!!!
well, as soon as my holidays will end I'll start collecting infos for my brand new Android Tablets :D