Tablet With Long Battery Life


Dec 24, 2012
I was looking around on google and found that the Coby Kyros MID7045 had the longest battery life. It said 48 hours but when I came here people were reporting different fingures.

All I really want is a tablet that I can read my pdf books off and it have a mic. I do need some storage space for the stuff I will be recording. It needs to have a long battery life. Cheap is nice but not a big deal if it has a long battery life.

Thanks for any feedback!!!
If the Coby fits your needs, then I would buy it. There have been a number of folks who have rooted that brand, so in the future ...IF you have the desire you can make it do more.

As for battery life ..Amazon lists it as 6 hours. Coby Kyros MID7015 7-Inch Android Internet Touchscreen Tablet - Black: Computers & Accessories

If, on the other hand want the best all around Andoid 7" now ...get the new Nexus 7. It has Google Play (not sure if the Coby does);Android 4.1 ,and definitely has long battery life. Walmart is listing it here for 199.00.
32GB Nexus 7 in stock at Walmart for $249, 16GB model now $199

I wish you well.
Try the kindle fire hd 7 inch that's what I have works great
best surround sound
great screen resolution
great for gaming

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