Tablet with phone capabilities


Mar 17, 2011
Hi all,
I'm looking for a tablet that can function as a phone.
To my knowlage - i can find only 2: Samsung's galaxy tab, and the announced Asus Memo.
I don't really have high demands - a good tablet, preferabbly 7" (but could do with a 10"...) that has phone capabilites, the price is less of an issue...

Any ideas? something I missed?

(sorry for my bad english... 3rd language...)
take a look at the s7 from best buy

Sent from my ANDROID!
take a look at the s7 from best buy

Thanks for the reply...
I read the reviews, and from what i can make out - all reviews kill it...
Since i use it also as a phone there is no way i can live with 2.5 hours of use, i need atleast 12 hours of standby (with phone turned on), and a couple of hours of use.

So - it's a start, but not good enough. like i said - i know the battery issue is significant and am willing to pay for it...

thank you again fot the reply, hope more good ideas come up...
I'm using Samsung galaxy tab from Verison. It costs me $200 + $20/mo for 1gb 3G data plan. I mostly use it where I have wi-fi, so I picked the lowest cost data plan. After loading up NetTalk and CSipSimple, I can now place and recieve free phone calls over both wi-fi and 3G.