Tablet Won't Charge


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2017
Hello, I have an ASUS TF300T and it won't charge.
I tried the trickle charge(8 hours overnight using cell phone charger at 5V at 1amp and computer USB 8 hours).
I have eliminated the charger/brick being the issue since I was able to charge the dock no issue.
I also tried charging the tablet with the dock and it still won't charge up.

I am pretty sure the issue is with the battery since I have not charged it in a long time. I am wondering if I have missed any tricks I can try out in order to attempt reviving my tablet before I dismantle it for parts.

Thank you.

P.S, if I do go ahead and dismantle it for parts, is there an easy way to recover data or should I give up hope on my data on it?