Tablets and note taking


Junior Member
Jul 20, 2016
Hey everyone,

My sister looking for budget tablet that can do web browsing and note taking and asked me for recommendations. I was about to recommend the Nexus 7, but then a friend told me that writing on the Nexus with a stylus was like "writing with crayons". I wasn't sure if this was because of the pen, app, or the Nexus itself, but she wanted a tablet that she can write on well and I would hate to give a bad recommendation.

So I was wondering if the short-coming of a non-stylus tablet can be made up by getting a good stylus/app, or if I would need to get a tablet optimized for stylus use in order to have a decent note taking device.

Also, additional recommendation would be helpful :).

Hey Leeshor,

Thanks for the quick reply. Is there a big difference between the writing quality of your suggested stylus and the standard Nexus one? Or is the benefit mainly from "feel"? I'll admit that I don't have much experince with styli, so it's hard for me to compare them.
My guess is mostly feel. The Nexus stylus is far superior to many others it's hard to say.