Tablets Don't Download Flash Player


Jan 24, 2011
Hi there i am very new to this forum and also new to androids, so please excuse my ignorance and if i have posted this in totaly the wrong place!!
At christmas i brought 3 tablets for my kids, they run on android 1.7, which to my dismay is totaly useless for kids as it doesn't have the abillity to download a flash player i.e adobe, so therefor no games etc! i have been trawling the web for a solution but am still non the wiser, I have heard about "flashing" the unit, but dont know how to! So if anyone could PLEASE help me it would save my sanity!! Also is there any way i can upgrade the android 1.7? However i am totaly useless so any explanation would have to be very very basic....a real step by step guide of andriod for dummies!! thank you so very much in advance xx
lucie1079: It depends on what kind of tablet you purchased. Although I can tell you that the chances are slim. If it's running Android 1.6 (stock), most likely it will not be able to be upgraded to 2.0 or higher. If it's possible, it might be very slow. A lot of Android 1.6 tablets only come with 128MB of RAM.
Thank you very much, at last an honest answer to my problem! Think i may end up ebaying them to my annoyance! but thanks again.