Tapatalk app


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

We are pleased to announce the AndroidTablets.net App. We have worked together with TapaTalk to bring you a branded version of TapaTalk Pro that works exclusively with AndroidTablets.net. This app will work fully with our site including allowing you to post, PM and more without having to pay for the full version of TapaTalk Pro. This is our way of giving back to the members of this site who have made it such a special place.


Please visit the AppBrain.com page here: Android Tablet Forum - Android app on AppBrain and give us a positive review if you find the app useful.

You can also download the app directly in the marketplace by searching for "android tablet forum"

If you enjoy the app giving us a 5 star rating in the marketplace would help us out immensely. We also would appreciate it if you would notify us of anything wrong with the app.

Here is a direct link to the App: http://www.androidtablets.net/apps/androidtablets.apk


It's fab!

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
very cool idea, I am downloading the app now and will give it 5 stars
just downloaded it and tested it out and all I can say is wow!

this app runs great, very fast and easy to navigate

I'm having trouble finding and downloading this application. Can you, please, post a link to the APK?

Specifically, the issues I have are:

1) When I try to scan the bar code with my Archos 70 Internet Tablet using BarScanner, it fails to recognize the code.

2) My second Android tablet doesn't have a camera

3) My second Android tablet doesn't have access to the Android Marketplace and I don't see your application in the application library it does use, which is AndAppsLib.

4) My Archos 70 Internet Tablet does have the Android Marketplace but when I do a search for the application it fails to appear. I used the term "AndroidTablet"

Please note: Your article says the application is on the Android Marketplace but fails to give us search term. Can you, please, give us some search terms as the above one fails to find your application.

Oh! I should say I'm having one problem on the Archos 70 Internet Tablet with the Android Marketplace. For some reason it isn't letting me see protected applications. I'm not running in root mode, but maybe the Marketplace thinks I am. I'm hoping to find / obtain a fix that I understand and can implement.

Last but not least, as you know many (if not all but the Samsung Galaxy) Android Tablets fail to come with the Android Marketplace pre-installed. Providing us a link to the APK would be very useful. One suggestion is to simply host the APK on your web server or another is to put it on RapidShare.com or similar public file server.

I look forward to a reply and to using the application to access AndroidTablet.net
It's exactly like the XDA app :) Which is not a bad thing...I like it! Dedicated android app woot!

Sent from my SGH-T849 using Android Tablet Forum App
Works great on my Pandigital 9" Tablet (full port mode excellent)


Also (full land port mode)

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I think I missed something can someone help me please?

I downloaded the application and installed it on my phone and it worked really well. Great application!

Logged out came back ...

..and I cannot find the tapatalk version of the site again what do I do please?