TC-970 Won't Charge


Feb 8, 2014
Something odd happened the other day, just after I ebay'd for another TC-970...

While walking from the car to the house, I spit & the wind caught it--as the wind does with things--and threw it right at my tablet's carrying-case, right near the data-port! Thankfully, none had actually gotten at the data-port... but it did hit the unit's case right near it, and now it won't take or register a charge! I've tried using a lower amperage charger... like the ones sold for automotive 12vdc outlets/cigarette lighter sockets... and it worked briefly, but it hasn't since.

I'm at my wits-end here, having no idea how to replace the port--which I ordered moments ago--transfer all my info to the new one--if I need to--or if I just need a new sync-cable, which I also just ordered. Any answers to all these questions would be handy, as I originally intended to "gift" the second one & now I'm gonna have two on my hands... with all the parts needed to repair the first one.
First of all, never spit into the wind. Secondly, the most likely suspect is the charging cable has gone bad. Sometimes they will work intermittently. Third, if the tablet is still running download the drop box app. Create an account. Upload all your data to drop box. When you get the new tablet. Install drop box on it, log into your account and download to the new tablet. Forth, (even though you didn't ask). Get an iPad cable from the dollar store, trim the plastic on the left and right sides of the pin connector, it should fit into the Le pan upside down, with the apple logo facing the bad of the tablet. That should work temporarily until your new tablet arrives.

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Irony: The second TC-970 came today, and on a hunch I tried it's charging cable with the older one's charger--It worked!

On further hunch, I decided to try the old cable--Just to see--and it indicated charging also.

Keep in-mind: I also have another cable coming soon. If that don't work... What are the odds?
So.. Is your old tablet working now? Or did you just test your old cables on the new tablet????? Try charging the old tablet with the new cable and charger.

Sent from my Venue 8 3830 using Tapatalk
Oh, she's working alright... Tested both cables on the old one, and was actually charging fine with the old one as she sat on the kitchen counter, until my parents moved it 1ft. for whatever reason. But she does seem to charge fine with the new cable & the old charger... Now I'm just waiting t=for the other new cable to come, and trying to decide: Should I give the new unit to someone even fairly-close to me, or just keep it for "in-case".