

Mar 9, 2011
right guys hi on ma last legs here as to find out what i got it a 7 inch pad the brand is a telechips and the device is tcc8900 running android 2.1-update1 eclair eng. it says and in the booklet it says mid701 so can anyone defo tell me what tab this defo is and if i could update it as i have no clue plz help if yous can thankssssss. ps i got some picts if u think it will help.
The only clue I can offer if from the user guide I have with mine it was distributed by Midwest Trading Group it is a TCC8900 Evaluation Board, and also listed as an M701 - I contacted them and spoke with someone named Frank and he advised me that they are trying to get an upgrade from the Manufacturer in China so I do not know what other information I can provide at the moment.