Telefunken (TEL7J) model, can't hook onto Wi Fi and or mobile USB


Jul 1, 2012
Hey guys,

New to forums and these tablets, however moderate in terms of being tech savy. I bought my partner a TEL7J model tablet and because we cannot connect it to Wi Fi or USB she has put it on the shelf and has requested an Ipad. As I do not want to waste this device, I am seeking some assistance in how to finsh the connecting to WiFi/USB mobile internet connections.

Both internet functions allow me to see a connection in the reception bar however the Data Connection in Mobile settings continually says it is connecting but then keeps dropping out. Very frustrating as there in no info in the instruction booklet?

Please help!!
Gordon, welcome to the forum

Chances are very good that your router is the problem. Some Android tablets don't handle communications issues gracefully. Begin by restarting your router, then try a channel change if that doesn't work. If the router is secured disable security to confirm that you can or can't connect. Try restarting your tablet. In your WiFi settings, if nothing else has helped to this point, long tap the connection, tap forget, restart the tablet and try connecting again.