Telefunken tel7j


Nov 18, 2011
ok, I have a telefunken tel7j and a computer with windows 7 updated today. I have an android phone, never had a problem with it, using it or connecting to computer.

I've had too many problems trying to get the computer and the tablet talking to each other. I've followed the instructions in the booklet and searched the net. The fact that Telefunken doesn't offer any support says something but it's hard to tell what. Not sure what they were thinking here.

I see problems all over the net and very few answers and fewers replies about whether the replies helped. I'm returning it for a refund. I'd recommend everyone else does too. Serves Telefunken right for putting out products without supporting them properly.

I like android, probaly try a different tablet soon. When I first decided to buy there were few problems about this one but I suppose that's because they were so new. Wish me luck for the next one.
Hello Jay,
welcome to the forum. I'm sorry that Telefunken didn't work out for you and I hope you find another tablet that you'll be happy with. Look around the forum before getting another tablet, see which tablets have a good support structure and active members who'll help you if you have a problem.
Many manufacturers don't offer decent support and most sellers are through with you as soon as your check has been cashed. I myself decided not to buy the tablet I was originally going to get, because I didn't like the way they answered questions on their Facebook page. Every answer seemed to be "Look in the manual."
That's why forums like this exist, so the users can help each other. You get help when you need it and give help whenever you can, that's what makes this whole forum thing work. Sadly, if you buy a tablet that relatively few people own, relatively few people can help if you have a problem. But then, you've already learned that haven't you.
I certainly do wish you luck with the next tablet and I'm glad you haven't given up on getting one.:cool:
Hello there. I just got the telefunken Today but it seems I have to spend some time to learn how to navigate around it. I already download some music and e books on it. but without a speaker can't hear anything. The e books can read but not the best. I hear there is another application to read besides shelves. Can someone recommend any but don't want it to crash!! I am using a laptop with win7 32bits but no problem to talk to each other. I saw Jay is not happy with his purchase and I am not sure if I have to consider returning it as not much problem so far except how to play my music continuously without press start on each song! or to delete picture thru my laptop. Anyone happy with his purchase. glad to hear from you cheers
Hello Philo, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here with us. Those Telefunken tablets are getting pretty popular in Australia, they must be doing a lot of advertising or something down there. If you have any questions regarding your tablet, the place to ask for help would be the Android Tablet Q&A section. Just click the link and you'll be there.
Hi guys, I also just purchased a Telefunken tel7j for my grandson (5) & have discovered the same problem. Unable to download any decent apps & definitely not user friendly. I am going to also restore factory settings, delete everything & return for a refund. As we are trying toget him something not too expensive we will probably buy him an ipod. I have an ASUS EeePad TF101 (amazing, could not be happier).
Hi Helen, sorry to hear that tablet for your grandson didn't work out.:( Glad to hear you're happy with that Transformer though.:)
Got the money back for the Telefunken and have just bought my grandson an ipod touch. My daughter dowloading games for him now. I would not recommend the Telefunken to anyone - not user friendly.
Hi again Helen, thanks for letting us know how things turned out. Glad to hear you were able to get your money back, it pays to deal with reputable dealers. I hope your grandson will be happy with the new tablet.
Those Telefunken tablets are getting pretty popular in Australia, they must be doing a lot of advertising or something down there.
Hi, it is the price. There is nothing comparable below double the price of this unit.
In an interview discussing that some schools now insist on iPads (about R4500) on a local South African radio station, the supplier called in and said that they have struck a deal with the education department and/or schools to supply this item for R860, IIRC.

Of course, you get what you pay for.
In my case I was looking for a color e-reader, video player, evaluating the usability of a 7" tablet for that, and evaluating Android.
The choices I looked at were:
Kindle Fire (R3000) 7", no cloud storage, 5Mb would be very limited storage.
ASUS Transformer (R6000), 10", good but will be made obsolete by the Prime
GigaByte Notepad (R6000), 10", Win7, low battery life
Other tablets, 7" and 10", all around R6000

I work in front of my computer all day. I have tons of Energy Healing videos (some 3 hours long), interviews, and books to cover. At the end of my working day I don't want to have to sit in front of my computer to do that.
I also do line dancing and my office is just too cramped for that.

My Telefunken netpad cost me R1200 and solves all the above problems for me. I can study wherever I want, and I can follow the line dance steps holding the thing in front of me.

My next tablet will be something better but then I will know exactly what I buy and what it can do.
Hi Markings, welcome to Android Tablets and the Telefunken Forum. Glad you decided to become a member of the forum. I've noticed we're getting quite a few new members, like yourself, from South Africa with Telefunkens. For a while it was mostly folks from Australia. Hopefully things have improved since this thread was started a couple of months ago, as far as support is concerned. Now that we have a Telefunken forum, it should be easier for you folks to help each other. I see from your other post you've already been helping out, and that's great! That's what makes the forum work. I've enjoyed reading your little introduction and learning a little about what's going on in your country with regard to tablet usage. Enjoy dancing with your new tablet and the enjoy the forum.:cool: