Tether Adhoc Wireless.... Archos 101

Feb 7, 2011
Stumped at every turn... this bugger is getting to me.

Haven't upgraded to the new firmware so running with root. With root stroll on over to /system/etc/wifi where the lovely tiwlan.ini and wpa_supplicant.conf file reside. They reside all over the place, but I'm going with the idea that these are the ones that need to be modified. Why? Casue... they're the only ones I can't :( Yea... even with root.

Open tiwlan.ini in text editor mode and scroll down till you fine the following

WiFiAdhoc = 0

0 meaning that it's off.. we need to turn that to a 1 to turn this bad boy on. Any suggestions? There's tons on info on editing the wpa_supplicant.conf file to get it to work.. hell, even xda has wpa_supplicant.conf file with all the needed mods. All moot as I can niether edit the tiwlan.ini file (the driver) or replace the wpa_supplicant file (the config file for said driver).... suggestions, ideas?
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By suggestions I mean, suggesting something other than replacing my OG Droid which only supports Adhoc wireless tethering. Yes, bluetooth works but at 1Mbps it's frustrating.
If you can't edit them, then you don't "really" have root.

Or ... maybe you are not remounting the partition from RO to RW.

BTW ... I finally got 2.2 from US Cellular on my Desire yesterday. WiFi Hotspot works perfectly with the Archos 101 now. :-D No need for root anymore.
jkane, thanks for the response... was starting to wonder if it was invisible. LOL Now seriously...

Let's pretend that I'm not a total noob at this. (Some things take epic imagination) I can run Rom Manager, fix permissions, etc. This is only possible if you have root.. So I have root.

Root Explorer loads in RW but just for kicks I switched to RO and then back to RW just to make sure.. still no go. Soooo this lead me to think about permissions. Meandered over to the /system/etc/wifi directory and am also unable to change the permissions for the files. I am able to change the permissions for other files... just nothing in the /system folder. Starting to think that the only way to get these to change is with a ROM.

Glad you got the update, but this doesn't help us OG Droid owners. The issue at hand is Android does not connect to ad hoc wireless networks and that is the only kind of wireless signal the OG Droid broadcasts. We can get the connecting device to connect to ad hoc signals but we have to change the wpa_supplicant.conf file and the tiwlan.ini file. This was easily done on an eLocity tab but for some reason Archos is fighting me every step of the way.
Tweeter I followed this guy -

Without issue. Took me three of four tries... give it a shot. If it doesn't work clear pairing and profile and start it again.. rinse and repeat till it works. Sometimes a reboot will be needed.
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Here is what you need to do:

1. Install a root hack with SuperUser. There are great one click tutorials and you have to have a root hack with SuperUser access for wifi tether to work. Dont let the name tether fool you. It is a wifi hotspot application and works as infrastructure hot spot, so no more problem getting tablets to connect.

2. Install wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk 357 KB

3. Start up wifi tether and then connect with your archos 101 just like you would with any other wifi hotspot.

4. Ignore the fact that the Sprint Hot Spot starts up. I believe that what it does is hacks the sprint hot spot program to run the infrastructure network program while running the wifi router through its own program. So you never sign into Sprint. In fact if you click enable on the Sprint Hot Spot it will reboot your phone or just shut it off instantaneously. I thought I had to do something with the sprint hotspot and tried that a few times and finally, I just decided to leave it alone and after about 10-15 secs my internet was up and running on my archos 101.

Disclaimer: I am not very techncal, just persistant and after trying 20 different ways I found this one and I believe it will work for just about any Samsung epic using the new Froyo.

Good luck
Here is what you need to do:

1. Install a root hack with SuperUser. There are great one click tutorials and you have to have a root hack with SuperUser access for wifi tether to work. Dont let the name tether fool you. It is a wifi hotspot application and works as infrastructure hot spot, so no more problem getting tablets to connect.

2. Install wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk 357 KB

3. Start up wifi tether and then connect with your archos 101 just like you would with any other wifi hotspot.

4. Ignore the fact that the Sprint Hot Spot starts up. I believe that what it does is hacks the sprint hot spot program to run the infrastructure network program while running the wifi router through its own program. So you never sign into Sprint. In fact if you click enable on the Sprint Hot Spot it will reboot your phone or just shut it off instantaneously. I thought I had to do something with the sprint hotspot and tried that a few times and finally, I just decided to leave it alone and after about 10-15 secs my internet was up and running on my archos 101.

Disclaimer: I am not very techncal, just persistant and after trying 20 different ways I found this one and I believe it will work for just about any Samsung epic using the new Froyo.

Good luck

I forgot when you start up wifi tether, go into the settings and change the device profile to your phone: Samsung Epic, Captivate, Fascinate and Galaxy S along with HTC EVO, Hero, desire, magic and dream are all listed.

There is also a generic and auto option, but if you phone is listed I would use that setting.

Good luck again
Here is what you need to do:

1. Install a root hack with SuperUser. There are great one click tutorials and you have to have a root hack with SuperUser access for wifi tether to work. Dont let the name tether fool you. It is a wifi hotspot application and works as infrastructure hot spot, so no more problem getting tablets to connect.

2. Install wifi_tether_v3_0-pre10.apk 357 KB

3. Start up wifi tether and then connect with your archos 101 just like you would with any other wifi hotspot.

4. Ignore the fact that the Sprint Hot Spot starts up. I believe that what it does is hacks the sprint hot spot program to run the infrastructure network program while running the wifi router through its own program. So you never sign into Sprint. In fact if you click enable on the Sprint Hot Spot it will reboot your phone or just shut it off instantaneously. I thought I had to do something with the sprint hotspot and tried that a few times and finally, I just decided to leave it alone and after about 10-15 secs my internet was up and running on my archos 101.

Disclaimer: I am not very techncal, just persistant and after trying 20 different ways I found this one and I believe it will work for just about any Samsung epic using the new Froyo.

Good luck

Will this work with the iphone 4 (mywi) & the Archos 70 ?

Thank you
yeah.... but.... the droid 1 is so stubborn this doesnt even work....... i now have 3 wifi apps on my droid 1... even attempted the bluetooth tether with no success.... says "unable to tether"... cant do a usb or bluetooth or wifi.... help me get my archos 101 up on internet please!!
Thanks for the advise.
I just updated my Samsung Captivate running FRYO as distributed by ATT with Wifi Tether v3 (from the link posted)
1) As I was not yet rooted, I rooted my captivate with SuperOneClickv1.8-ShortFuse
2) Sideloaded Wi-Fi Tether with Android Central’s Sideload Wonder Machine v 1.2
3) Started Wi-Fi Tether and changed the setting to “captivate” and was on the net in no time with my Archos 10.1

I had been looking for a solution to not paying ATT to activate the tethering feature for months. This work like a charm.
Hello All,

Sorry to hijack this, but I am assuming this is appropriate thread for my issue.

I have a fully rooted Archos 101 G8 tablet running latest firmware 2.4.80 and have Root Explorer installed. I have edited the required wpa_supplicant.conf file under /data/misc/wifi and tiwlan.ini.

I have MyWi installed on my iPhone 3GS (jailbroken) and set up as adhoc WEP transmitter. And wpa supplicant is correctly setup for this new adhoc SSID and WEP key, as well as tiwlan.ini has wifiadhoc=1.

I can connect fine to this new ssid to my laptop. And I can scan this adhoc ssid on my archos 101 (via wifi explorer app on it), but dont see this under settings / wireless networks. I have tried to add this manually, but it always show as not in range.

I will appreciate if someone can help me connect Archos tablet to my 3G connection via iPhone.

Thanks a lot
