Text from your WiFi tablet using your email program!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
You can can send a text message to a cell phone from your tablet/desktop/laptop by sending it as a text only email to PhoneNumber@SMSEmailAddress. (No special app, no 3G/4G, wired/wireless.) Just use your regular email program and contact list. (The subject is counted in the 160 character limit.) If they reply, the reply will arrive in your email. You have to know the phone number and the SMS Email Address of the carrier used by the other party. The SMS Email Addresses of many carriers, including Canadian and International, are listed here: The Complete List Of Text Messaging Email Addresses | EmailTextMessages.com
I'm trying to figure out the usefullness of this information.. ..I feel like when somebody tells a joke and I don't get it, which is often:).
So, I',m checking my mail on my Tablet and I need to send a text to somebody but don't want to get up and get the phone , so I text him/her from my Tablet?

Samsung Galaxy Note
Yes, you are basically sending a text from your email. So if you don't have a phone handy this trick works. As they say there's an app for that ;) Actually many apps for it but it is still nice to be reminded of the "manual" way :)
don't want to get up and get the phone , so I text him/her from my Tablet?

Not everyone has a phone with a data plan, but would still like to send a text occasionally.

As they say there's an app for that ;) Actually many apps for it

Not everyone has access to a Market they can download those apps from. A stock NC user can't.
(I know, another chance for you to sell them on the concept of freely using CM7 on an SD card. Which you freely promote their free use of and freely assist them with if they have problems which they rarely do.:rolleyes:)
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Actually it is particularly handy for sending pics from a PC to a phone instead of the recipient having to get them via email. Think feature phone user here, who doesn't have email on their phone but can get texts. I used to do that back in the day before "smart phones" that all have email access in addition to text.

And I resent that you said I'd try and "sell" a CM7 card, I freely promote their free use :)
Thank you both, you both are the best one can dream of getting an answer from! :):)
When on my nook, it might come handy ,when on my galaxy note, if I'm on the Tablet ,I 'm also on the phone, that's the beauty of it!

Samsung Galaxy Note
$Yes.gif I knew I'd eventually get it right.
I don't know what you guys are talking about ..... Jp is always pushing everybody to create a Cm 7 card, so they'll get in trouble and he can put on his Superman costume and come to their rescue! :D
Only "once" I heard him suggesting to somebody to buy a n 2 a card and this was after he unsuccesfully spent 3 days and 3 nights uninterruptely trying to help somebody download Cm 7 on a card.
I think it was the only time that I saw Jp so desperate and frustrated, and that's why he even gave the link where the guy could buy the card.:(

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