"The application process has stopped unexpectedly"


Jan 7, 2013

I'm new to Android and i'm not having much luck with the apps on my daughter's tablet (MiniGadget MG638Plus Android Tablet Computer - Android 2.3).

She was enjoying playing a pre-installed app called FishGame. A couple of days ago i noticed there were several manual updates available to the apps which i downloaded and installed. One of these updated FishGame to Fishing Joy (by Punchbox). The updated game started up but just hung on the loading screen. The whole device hung and i had to keep restarting the tablet.

I tried clearing data but this had no effect. I therefore chose the option to uninstall the update in the Settings > Applications menu. This has restored "FishGame" but now it won't load at all. Each time i click on the app it gives me error "The application FishGame (process org.cocos2fx.FishGame) jas stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." Naturally my daughter is unimpressed!

Could anyone give me advice as to how to restore the game?

thanks ...
U need to find a file explorer .like es file explorer ..or something u r comfy with & go in to search for games file still left on ur sd card after games have been uninstaled ..best bet would b to uninstall all games etc...related ..then go in get rid of files & thereinstall...Disclamer have some1 with u who knows what they r doing so u dont accidently delete files s not supposed to....Same principle on ur computer using command regedit( regestry) to get rid of left over dross from programs