the not so avid


May 5, 2011

I just bought my fist t g tablet a few months ago, (also my first android experience ) and am looking at taking my use of the thing more seriously, I.e. I want to REALY know what makes the thing tick and be able to understand it. So any input will help, I don't know much...yet.

Thing is, I have been having trouble running some of my apps, 'not responding' 'force close' etc, even the file viewer will have a fit now and again. I would just like to know if anyone thinks I might be over working the thing, I am (trying) to run quick office, my journal, kindle, a Bible app, dictionary... lots of word docs and books, and I would like to be able to show my digital art, but it bogs down and glitches, sometimes the home menu will be totally out of place and I will have to reboot to get it back to normal. THIS IS NOT CONDUCIVE TO MY INFO DRIVEN LIFE!

A tech thought it might be software related(the tablet had just been to them for a drop repair, and it came out fine...right.) and suggested my upgrading to the latest that viewsonic had to offer. I'm running off of 2.2 and as far as I know there isn't anything newer out yet, but then again I don't know much.

I don't think I'll be an avid but I want to know all I can about my tool. So please, help out if you can.
What ROM are you using? Some are rock solid stable with almost no FC's and others get them from time to time.
I think if you give us a little more information about the ROM you are using we can help make the gTab more useful and enjoyable for you. Are you using the user interface (ROM) that was provided? Have you done any updates on it?