The "where did your nickname come from" thread


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Staff member
Apr 29, 2011
Like the title says, Where did your nickname come from? If you have a funny/ interesting back story to it, post it below. If you don't have a good story, feel free to say that. Going for a large crowd here so the quantity of people posting is key. It will definitely be interesting to see how everyone thought of theirs. Me personally, I don't really have a cool backstory, I've had this since the highschool Runescape days. :D
Mine came from a friend long time ago. Her pc was acting weird, so she brought it to me.
After a few days I found the problem and sent what I found to a few companies, later the companies sent me an email thanking me for sending them an unknown strain of the Vampire virus.
So my friend called me Vampire foe, I just shortened the name.

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I didn't really want to join this forum or any forum for that matter,I just wanted to learn how to root my nook but I needed some help so I started filling up all those questions: name and last name and so on and I got stuck on the nickname:-I don't know-I said to myself-how am I supposed to know what nickname I want to use ....I don't want a nickname ...I just want to join so I can ask my questions....I don't know...I don't really know...mmmmh ...perhaps I can use that since I don't even know anything about all android stuff.Then I put the words together without any space and here I am: "Idontknow"! :)
That was dramatic! :D

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I work in a Secondary School and when we first started to roll out the Transformers i took more of a hands on roll, Making sure the kids could use them and to provide support, being only 19 i didn't really like the kids calling me Sir, so I said to them call me Matt, Techy, Mr Chaney, anything just cant deal with Sir, makes me feel above people and that's not how I want to be viewed around the school. So one girl (Chinese) stood up and shouted Mrtechysir in an extremely stereotypical Chinese accent, safe to say it has stuck with me now, I've adopted it and used it across most social platforms. :')
Well now, I am rather glad that I get to tell this story:
My last name is pronounced Mack-uh-Fee. Between this and my Stature, Little Mac is a perfect fit for my avatar. And was my nickname for quite some time.
As for my present Nickname, I owe that beauty to a man named Carlos Santana.

Regrettably, its not THAT Carlos Santana.

One day, in the frosty land of Michigan, there was a rather beautiful woman who asked for my number. I joked with Carlos (who was quite a good looking man in his own right) that she only asked for my number to get to him, my roommate. To which he responded:
"All she wanted was a piece of the Action; The Macktion!"

Well, there it is.