Announces Free Android Tablet PC Giveaway


Oct 27, 2010
Digital magazine website has announced that it will give visitors the chance to win an Android Tablet PC totally free in November and December 2010.

Visitors will be able to win a free Android pad, simply by subscribing to mailing list, allowing winners to own the soon to be hottest selling products of the year before the holidays.

The prize is a high-end 7 inch LCD Touch Screen tablet running Google Android with full access to Android Marketplace Apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, Google Maps, Google Talk, GMail, Amazon, Shazam, Qik, Weather Channel, Time Magazine, USA Today, plus over 100,000 more.

You will be able to surf the internet and check emails via built-in Wi-Fi. It has a 800 x 480 pixel display, up to 16GB of removable storage and a TF card slot for expansion. It also has a camera, camcorder and video player. There’s also an accelerometer which allows the screen to auto-rotate between landscape and portrait mode.

"We are very excited to offer our visitors the chance to win the Android Tablet PC for free. Demand will be at an all-time high for the latest tablets and the only thing our visitors have to do is join our mailing list for the chance to get their hands on a brand new Android Pad for free, through our website" said Robert West of

Android powered tablet PC are available now at the The Mag Pad - Digital Magazines for the Google Android Tablet PC & iPad and competitively priced versus the Samsung Galaxy Tab and Apple iPad.

About The Mag Pad -

The Mag Pad - also provides a wide assortment of digital magazines instantly for android tablets and iPads starting at only 99 cents.

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