

Oct 27, 2011
I've been lurking around here since I got my vtab... I have no issues with it sum what but any way I was wondering if some of you have themes on your tab? I have go launcher but it's really not doing what I thought it would do...

Could it be because we can't root it or.... And what's up with the wallpaper? I had to get flicke just to change my background... Any thoughts would be nice

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
I've found that launcher pro is better. As for the wall paper. Had to use an app from the market, just wish it could do live wall papers.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Launcher pro with folder editor is a great combination. I use both on my vtab and droid x. Alows u to use one page for everything. Folder editor allows you to make a folder widget with custom icons, very cool. I got it as a free app of the day, but would gladly have paid 10 bucks for it.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Any walpaper app on the market works for backgrounds. I use flickie. As for the top clock, if ur referring to the one in the top right corner, no not able to change its appearance.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
What would I do? Take a pic of it with my phone?

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Full resolution wasn't working...

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum


  • $uploadfromtaptalk1319855581895.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 553
Took a pic with my phone and emailed it to myself

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Some wallpaper observations from this article:

There is no support for live wallpaper and wallpaper support in general is lacking. You are limited to whatever wallpapers that the home launcher you choose offers or what you can set with a third party app. I got QuickPic to work, but you have to restart to see the change. Third party apps may fix some of this.

[h=3]Lock Screen Wallpaper[/h] There is a setting called “Personalize” that exists just to change the lock screen wallpaper. You can choose an image from your gallery (or a third party gallery such as QuickPic) but you can not crop the image. This is applied immediately and you will see it the next time the lock screen appears.

[h=3]Wallpaper Wars[/h] Setting the desktop wallpaper with a third party app and using the personalize setting to set the lock screen wallpaper creates a conflict. If you are using a third party launcher like Launcher Pro and set the lock screen wallpaper after a reboot the lock screen wallpaper takes over the home screen, but the resolution is messed up. I have found the best results using the default lock screen wallpaper and a custom home screen wallpaper.

I haven't played with the wallpaper on our VTAB much since the first week , so one of the upgrades may have changed some this info.

If you haven't tried the QuickPic gallery app you should, it is an excellent alternative to the built in Android gallery and I like the wallpaper picker in it better than the stock one.