- Aug 4, 2010
- 1,505
- 110

0.6c updated by tipstir 11/5/2010
features Multi-PAD (meaning for ePad & M-150)
WMT2.0.0_105 drivers replaces WT2.0.0_088 drivers
Updates to apps removed apps
Added much more apps (67 apps total)
Current Download:
Current Download:
n/a SCRIPT.ZIP (for non-windows users, plus those who like to take a manual install) everyone else use the installer
Bonus Wallpaper Collection Package (45) to use with the included installed Magic Wall
Current Download: Wallpaper 45
Note: Version number will still say 1.9_88v3 until that gets fixed, just know it's v0.6c v2.0.0_105
Use at your own Risk: By popular request this MOD for M-150 & ePAD was created for.
Package will install but, I have not tested it so use it at your own risk. It has the latest ad-HOST beta Not tested.
Those of you who used v0.3i reported it had worked with M-150. If you do try it out let me know how it goes.
Again use it at your own risk!
0.5b updated by tipstir 11/5/2010
WMT2.088 drivers replaces 1.9_88 drivers
Ad blocking host update as of 10/30/10
Mega PowerTools included
PowerElite 2010 included
PowerDoc 2010 included
A Bunch of apps and games never added
Wallpaper is not included due to the size of this huge file.
*Fix Google Market!
?New bootscreen
-Remove some trash
-Free Memory Light
+CachMate (Free)
+StartUp Manager
+EStrongs Task Manager
+Titanium BackUp (Free)
*Fix scriptcmd for 128M PADs
*Gravity sensor fix
*Remap hardware keys
*Build info in About
+Swapper 0.2.0
*TxPower=20 in /system/etc/wireless/RT2870STA/RT2870STA.dat
+SlideMe app
+Google Maps 4.4.0
+ES File Explorer 1.4
+Free memory lite 2.4.4
+ADW.Launcher 1.1.1
* /init.rc
#create bluetooth device
mknod /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0
chmod 0777 /dev/rfcomm0
chown bluetooth bluetooth /dev/rfcomm0
#to be able replace this
chmod 0777 /data/data/com.google.android.googleapps/databases/accounts.db
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