Toshiba Readies New Monster-sized 13.3 Inch Tablet


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Toshiba is taking things to a whole new level with their newest generation tablets. According to these pics, Toshiba is readying a monster-sized 13.3 inch tablet as a followup to their previous line. Supposedly, this new tablet will be powered by a Tegra 3 Quad-Core chip and will be extra-thin and light, just like their recently announced Excite X10 t7-inc tablet. These pics were taken during the Toshiba 2012 conference in the UK. The tablet doesn't skimp on other features either, and will include USB, HDMI, and SD card slots, and front and rear cameras.


Sadly, right now, this tablet is just a prototype and Toshiba may not actually bring it to market unless it gets a good response from public reactions to it. This may not be ideal for the regular home user, but this could be a perfect laptop replacement for mobile professionals. What do you think?

Source: via TalkAndroid
I tjhink it's pretty cool - there's talk in the Net about Uber-Tablets, and this certainly belongs in that category.

A site I read mentioned a model including 4 GB of RAM, 128 GB SSD, all the usual tablet stuff. Price was rumoured at USD$900 though, so it's a nice profit maker for the manufacturer.

This one will be pricey too, so it might as well including some REAL storage, a working USB (doing all we expect from a low priced notebook, selling around $300), stable and efficient wifi networking.

If it had that, it's not a huge seller, but there would be a market for it.
I tjhink it's pretty cool - there's talk in the Net about Uber-Tablets, and this certainly belongs in that category.
Yes,Its good.But Its huge!
I think-It wont be that comfortable carrying in hand.
The tablet is too big IMO.. Unless Toshiba can make it extra light, I do not think it will succeed. Tablets are popular because of its mobility compared to a note/netbooks, while still provide bigger screens than smartphones do. The tablet of this size certainly drop the advantage of mobility of tablets compared with notebooks, so I do not think there is advantage of using the monstrously-huge tablet over a notebook.
If it is anything like the Thrive I would buy one.
The thrive is great but when it is in landscape mode it is a touch thin top to bottom. If Toshiba adjusted the proportions of this tablet to enjoy a bit closer to the IPad rather than a wide Wide screen tv. It would be much nicer in my view. If they could find a happy medium between the two, and at just over a 13 inch screen. I think for use around the house it would replace what I use now.
I'm fine with the size, the deciding things would be specs and price.

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