Totally new owner with zero DROID knowledge, simple questions


Jan 27, 2013
Well, I bit the bullet and got a TF300T yesterday, now the adventure begins!
My experience is 30 years of IT, NO smart phone knowledge as all I do is
use my ancient flip-phone for phone calls only to the tune of maybe
60 minutes a month. How ancient? My phone still says ALLTEL.

First off, is there a guide on how to use this tablet?
Some annoying things (for me anyway, today, I am sure I will learn as I go),
1)I opened the browser and typed in and it forces me to sign up for a 'free' trial of Hulu PLUS, which
I have no desire to do, so how do I kill that? All I want to do is go to the normal free
2) I downloaded Firefox, how the heck do I get that app (or widget?) onto the main screen? I have to
jump around to get to it.

I go this because the price was great - about $260, it was either a tablet or a smart phone, and I didn't
want to pony up the added expense of web, etc. to my cell phone bill so I chose this.
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Welcome to the forum and congrats on your tab!

Have a look at the Master Help Guide in my signature. It will help get you up and running in no time.

Hulu does not work on tablets, they want you to pay for Hulu Plus to get content on the go. There are some browsers (I have heard Photon Browser is pretty good) that allow you to watch regular hulu on your tablet.

To make a shortcut on a home screen, open the app drawer (icon with the 6 boxes in the top right) and then long press on the Firefox Icon. It will then follow your finger and drop it on to a homescreen. Long press and drag it around to move it. Drop it on another icon to create a folder.

Also, feel free to stop by as it is a forum dedicated to the Asus tablets.
I did figure out the 'long hold' thing so I got it to go where I wanted it, the only other 'major' issue I have is
whenever I pull up a browser - be it 'Firefox' 'Chrome' or 'Browser', it always comes up with the last page
I visited. I set up a home page for it, but it doesn't default to it. The only way I know of to close the
browser is to simply hit the 'home' icon - if there is another way I don't know.
Yeah, I know, I am a sub-rookie, stuck in the Windows world, but this can't be that hard to figure out...
I will go look at machine-specific forums now to see what else I don't know...

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When you tap the home button, it does not "exit" the browser, it is just suspended or minimized in the background. Even if the process gets killed, it will still save the URL of the tabs open for your next session and just reload the content.

To exit, you will need to use the menu key (it has 3 vertical boxes or 4 lines on some apps).

Even doing that, it is not always a perfect science to have it work.

One nice thing about Android is that it will manage the memory for you so you do not have to worry about closing apps, and they just pick up where you left off for the most part.
The only way I know of to close the browser is to simply hit the 'home' icon

Instead of closing and re-opening, just create a bookmark for the URL you're using as a home page.