Touch screen isn't working with various ROMs

Jul 17, 2013
I've flashed 3 ROMs already and after each one is done loading, the touch screen isn't respoding. I am able to restore my nandroid and everything works as it should.
What am I missing?
I'm rooted and have CWM v6.0.1.1 installed. I've also wipped data before installing ROMs.
Coby routinely changes the hardware in its tablets, rendering ROMs unusable for specific versions of a particular tablet unless the developer is aware of the issue. Since most developers have stopped support on the few ROMs we do have, I personally don't recommend flashing a custom ROM. Simply install the Google Apps and enjoy your tablet.
Coby doesn't make the tablets they are made in China, the company that builds them changes the tablets, my guess they use what they have on hand rather than order the needed part. So many tablets that appear to be the same aren't.

You can use your own kernel and vendor folder perhaps also usr folder and all should work just fine.

Traveller1701 advice is correct also, Most people prefer stock roms with google playstore, you can follow his advice to get playstore up and running.

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A ICS Android Tablet
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