Touchscreen Unresponsive on ZT180


Jan 23, 2011
Hi All,

I have got a ZT180 from zenithink, and it seems that my touchscreen is mainly unresponsive. Only the buttons on the top/bottom right corners work, but not always. The onscreen keyboard cannot be used at all (strangely, whenever I try to type on it, it disappears), and I can't launch any of the programmes by tapping on it with finger or the stylus.)
Is there a way to figure out whether this is a hardware or a software issue, or are there perhaps any settings that I should activate? (Though, I have gone through the complete menu, and there was nothing that would strike me as obvious.)
Have you gone thru the adw settings. That can be accessed by clicking on a folder icon next to the home icon and choosing more
Have you gone thru the adw settings. That can be accessed by clicking on a folder icon next to the home icon and choosing more

Thanks for the reply, and sorry for blanking out for a couple of days! As for your question, next the the home (a small house) icon, I see an icon that looks like windows' application launcher. However, the bigger problem is that I don't know how to get there: tapping on any of those icons yields nothing, and with the arrows on the keyboard, I can navigate the desktop items only. Is there some hotkey combination that would get me to the taskbar on the top of the screen?
Oh, finally I figured it out: one needs a mouse. After that I had to calibrate the touchscreen. It works OK now.
Hi, my ZenithinkC91 also has the same problem. I'm stucked at the screen lock and cannot move forward because touchscreen is not working and so that unable to unlock the screen. Pls help me