Transfering files from NAS drive at work


Mar 28, 2012
I have a small business and would like to access the NAS Drive connected to our peer to peer network where all our files are saved. When away from the office, I can successfully "Remote Desktop" to my Windows 7 computer and access the files, but when I'm in the office, I cannot remote desktop since we are on the same network, and therefore I cannot access the files. Any help or ideas would be great.
There are so many variables, I am not sure where to begin.
1. What is the Tablet?
2. What is the NAS?
3. How is the NAS set up to access files? CIFS?
4. Why can't you remote connect, it should actually be easier, or is it that you are using the PC and cannot have multiple terminal sesssions?
More detail will help, but may still not provide the needed info to provide best answer.