Transformer dock USB problem


Nov 28, 2011
my brand new docking station for my transformer the usb port are not reconizing anything i plug in.
i have had a usb mouse in the dock yesterday and it worked. but now it is not finging it. my usb drive lights up when it i being reconized but now it will not

Transformer TF101 w/ mobile dock
What is your firmware build version? Some of the firmware builds had an issue that USB and SD card only worked if they were inserted upon boot up. The fix was to reboot your TF with them installed. It was fixed with the firmware build. Now they have had a .18, .19 and .21 firmware that have not exhibited this behaivior

Also, try to undock and dock. If that doesn't work, try a reboot.
I was going to ask the same. And the other question was how long ago was it since you rebooted. I found that after a week, my keyboard was getting less responsive. Some keys which worked (Camera) no longer responded. I rebooted and all was well. It had been in just sleep and dock/undock mode prior. I think there might be a bit of build up memory hooks which just got lost.