TransformerForums One Year Anniversary Appreciation Celebration and Contest!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009

Today I wanted to take some time and mention a bit of news about one of our sister sites, Just one year ago, it was our distinct pleasure and privilege to begin a forum dedicated to the ASUS Transformer. In that time, TransformerForums has grown to become the absolute best place across the web to find/share relevant and useful information for not only the Transformer but for the entire ASUS Android Tablet line-up. That is partially thanks to the incredible staff, but most importantly it is thanks to the fantastic forum members over there. We have seen a ton of rapid changes and exciting products in that short time, and it appears that Asus has an even more impressive line-up for us in the future.

To show our appreciation, and to really amp things up and give you guys something to celebrate, we also have an Anniversary Giveaway Contest. We are giving you guys a chance to win one of three different ASUS Transformer Mobile Keyboard Docks!! Hit the link below to check out all the details on the contest, and thanks so much for making this such a great year! We also want to thank Frederuco (TransformerForums Admin) for getting this party started, and convey that we are looking forward to making this next year and subsequent years even better!

For more details visit: Transformer Forums 1 Year Giveaway!