Trip Boss for Android?


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011

Do we have any Palm owners here that are familiar with the Trip Boss application? I think Trip Boss was great and I used to a lot when travelling or on car trips. I liked the way you could also enter the information for flights, buses, retal cars, hotel reservations, etc., so you didn't have to carry a book of papers with you, which is the whole reason for going digital. Plus it had features (tabs) for expenses, a journal, fuel use, packing checklists, and other stuff. It's probably like the Trip Boss app modules for iPhone... For some reason, people would rather focus on iPhone users.

Well, if you can afford a $600 phone, plus $80/mo. usage....

Does anyone know of there is something like it for Android? I already have apps for weather and flight tracking,etc. so I don't really need that in a travel information manager, but if it was all in one app, that would be best.

Otherwise, we will get to wait until Iambic "gets around to" making Trip Boss for Android people.

Maybe I should mention that my tab is not a phone, so I prefer to enter everything personally, or, the opposite of what Tripit claims it does. In short, I prefer to have all the plans, reservations, etc. sent to my "Inbox" instead of a third party website so I can record it all in a book (or the tablet.)
After weeks of waiting & searching the Internet, I will have to conclude that unless Creative Algorithms comes out with an Android version of Trip Boss, You will have to use several (or many!) applications to duplicate all the things that Trip Boss could do. But so far, I did find one application called MyBuddy Travel Planner that allows you to record information on hotels, rental cars, etc., but that's all it does.
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