Try the App, KEEP the App!


Feb 8, 2013
Hi! :D

My name is Lori and I’m the Outreach Communications Specialist for StoAmigo, a personal cloud management system. We recently opened a public beta test of our product and we’re giving free 5 GB StoAmigo accounts to everyone who is willing to take StoAmigo for a spin.

Our Droid app is newly updated, so now is the perfect time to check it out! It’s available at the Google Play Store. You can also open a StoAmigo account by requesting a beta code at

Cool features include:
* Unique permission settings that let you control who downloads, views or shares your files
* Ability to cancel access to shared files – even after they’ve been opened
* Seamless streaming of your digital media directly from the cloud (no taking up hard drive space with duplicate copies)
* Continuous play (perfect for your photo slideshows and music playlists)
* And more!

It would be helpful to us to know what you think of the app, so please feel free to contact me at with any feedback. Since we are still in beta, we’d appreciate it if you didn’t post any critical feedback on Google Play Store. Please give us the chance to address any issues you may have first; we’re constantly working to improve the user experience, so your input is quite valuable. You can also visit our website to find out more about us.

Of course if your feedback is glowing and positive, post away! ;)

Thanks so much everyone!
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Besttt App

Well thank you, banpreet! :D Glad you like it.

If you don't mind, we'd appreciate knowing what you like about StoAmigo. The feedback is quite helpful.
Hope you'll encourage others to test it as well!

Thanks again!
Happy Friday everyone!

Thanks to everyone who has tried StoAmigo and provided feedback, be it on the forum or to me directly. Please know that I read it all and send it up the food chain. :)
Your participation and feedback is valued and appreciated.

If you haven't checked us out yet, there's still time.

We would love to have you join us.

Take care!
Everyone who has contacted me about beta testing (publicly or privately) should have received their beta code; please let me know if that is not the case.

Our beta period is still open, so there's still time to participate if you haven't signed up already.

EVERYONE'S feedback is valuable, including:

--Those of you who are hesitant to use ANY cloud management system. StoAmigo gives you an easy, hassle-free way to "test the waters."

--Those of you who aren't hesitant, but are new to cloud computing. Since we want StoAmigo to be user-friendly for everyone, your "first-impression" feedback will let us know how we're doing.

--Those of you who already use another cloud management system. You likely already have some solid viewpoints about your choice of system and could provide some great comparative insight for us.

If you contact me (PM or, please don't forget to include the email address where you want me to send the beta code. This will help immensely when processing your request.

Thanks again!
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Hi SA_Lo

plz explain in detail about your app as i have just created an account on dat thats it ..... :)

Thanks for replying i appreciate

and plzz try once my app also it is VMS
Video Messaging service you can simply send free videos and pictures to your friends and family .

Give us the feedback :)

Hi banpreet!

I hesitate to "give" you more information, only because part of the beta test is to see if the application is user-friendly enough that you can find your way on your own. If you can't, then there may be items we need to review on our end...but that's the beauty of beta testing! ;)

I can suggest though that you can visit the "Help" section of our site if you find that you need it. If you have any trouble PLEASE let us know; as you know, your feedback information is important.

p.s.: I really like your website, very professionally done! Impressed by the options you have for your product.
Hello everyone!

We’ve made some changes that I’d like to share with you:

Today we unveiled a cool new feature for DROID users. Now you can use QR codes to share digital media with your friends and family! The QR code pops up on your device, ready to be read immediately by another smart device. And NO – the feature is not just for certain Samsung DROID phones; your device can play too! Don’t take our word for it, you can find our updated DROID app on Google Play Store.

Secondly, we’ve eliminated the beta code process. That’s right, now you can sign up for StoAmigo without a beta code and open your account immediately.

These are only the latest in a series of developments on the StoAmigo front. We hope you’ll check us out if you haven’t already (or revisit us if you have) and enjoy!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.