Trying to figure out make/model of this Apad (Iped?)


Jan 17, 2011
I'm trying to figure out the make/model of an apad that I received from a friend who got it from ebay. It looks very similar to a WM8505, but has a trackball instead of the fake home button. It also has a black back with a speaker right behind where your left hand's fingers are when you hold the tablet. It came in a sleeve that had the website, which doesn't seem to be real.

I'm going to put everything I have here from the "About device" section.
Model number: MID
Android version: 2.1
Firmware version: v1.02.09-2010.11.22_English
Kernel version: 2.6.25
Build number: V0.18.ECLAIR.English.R.zmg.20101112.142908

Pre-installed apps: Aldiko, FatMouse!, Spider Man, Mobile Andrio, ApkInstaller

Has a USB port, HDMI, mini-usb (with mini-USB charger), DC-5V (without any charger for it), and miniSD card slot labeled TF-card.

I'd like to see how/if I can make it better, as the batter gauage doesn't work well, and some other problems that seem to probably be software based. I'd also like to learn how to root it so I can get rid of the default apps that came with it.
I missed one detail, it has an expandable stylus built into one of the the back corners. Thank you!
Here is a webpage I just found that actually shows the device. Buy Epad, Laptops, table PC, Google Android 2.1Wifi Tablet UMPC dual core 4GB at **************.

It mentions it's a VIA, but I still am not sure where to start looking for customizing it.