typing Lags on Galaxy Tab


Nov 20, 2010
I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab. I have found that using the samsung own typing on screen keyboard, the typing lags when I write more than a sentence. In other words as I am pressing the corresponding keys on the on screen keyboard, it takes a while before the corresponding letters appear on the screen.
Is there any way to make it faster
Hmm... does it happen after a fresh boot or after the tab has been on for a while? I can't say I've had that issue but my droid x does it if I haven't restarted it in a while.

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It happens all the times when I am typing in the browser. So far havent experienced it in ThinkFree Office, although I havent textd heavily so far but within the browser the lag is noticeable
Try turning off haptic feedback (vibration) if you have that on to see if it makes a difference. Also turn off word help. Are you using the stock keyboard or the Swype keyboard?
i have turned off haptic feedback. very slight improvement though lag still occurs and I use stock keyboard
Any difference between stock keyboard and swype keyboard? I like the swype keyboard layout better even though I rarely use the swype gestures.
Anecdotally, I've noticed that the Galaxy Tab can seem slow if you don't have a good carrier signal, or if responses from the internet are bogged down.

To test this, put the Tablet into Airplane mode, and see if the behavior changes.
I feel your pain as to i my self noticed this. But only after installing several apps. All i can tell you is watch what apps you download. Try downloading a monitoring app to see which apps are causing your problem. Also try downloading cpu spy from the app market it lets you know up times of the differant cpu clock speeds so u can better determine where your problem is coming from. Since then i have removed several apps and i have had less lags due to less backround apps. I hope this helps.

Edit: also i my self recommend rebooting your system once a day this gives your device. I do this with my tablet and droid x / 2

Sent from my SCH-I800 VZW Galaxy Tablet using Android Tablet Forums
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Whith me it only happens on the browser and when the web page is very big and the tablet cant really deal whith it. The rest of all operation typing is verry nice!

Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Android Tablet Forum
I've used many apps for keyboard but I am still facing with frustrating problems of writing and editing the text, especially in emails. For one thing, I can't seem to turn the autocorrect function off, making it nearly impractical to type specific words without having them morph into other words.I've used many apps for keyboard but I am still facing with frustrating problems of writing and editing the text, especially in emails. Hope someone can help. For one thing, I can't seem to turn the autocorrect function off, making it nearly impractical to type specific words without having them morph into other words.

Hope someone can help....
You can go into Setting, Language and Input and turn off the auto correct, I think you can adjust each keyboard you have installed individually.
The auto-correct in the Galaxy tab is not as interfering as the Apple one. Just go to settings of your keyboard, and remove the auto detect, auto correct suggest options. You can try Go keyboard. Mine works real well.