Ubuntu for Tablets Is Live!


Staff member
Dec 5, 2011

We are right around the corner (Feb 21) for the Touch Preview of Ubuntu and we are pretty excited to get out hands on it. As of right now the company hasn’t discussed any hardware partners for the final version of the OS, but it’s expected to be compatible with a variety of ARM-powered tablets from 6″ to 20″. Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 owners can grab it thursday. Anyone going to be snatching up the touch preview?

Available Feb 21
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Next Ubuntu Play Store?...that will be a wow

Looking forward for this! Thanks for the info CK :thumbup:

TapaTalking from Republic™ Of Android
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Dunno... looks like it is only an app-development tool and not an actual OS... unless it is hiding somewhere else? **sniffing around**:D
Indeed, it looks good. However, it will pass some time until this OS to be 100% functional (at his real value). However, it is good news that from now we will have a new competitor and who knows, maybe even one that will bring great ideas!
Great, It looks really awesome. Its a good news for us.
I have question. Is Ubuntu only for tablets?
If only for tablets then have any possibility to come Ubuntu for phones?
If it comes for phones then its really incredible opportunity for us.