UltraTab Jazz C725 7' Tablet


Junior Member
Sep 6, 2014
I have a UltraTab Jazz C725 7' tablet with a 16GB card mounted. Jazz says it's full, "insufficient space" when I try to download a game, the settings says it's empty. I have "moved everything to the sd card" in the App setting & it still says it empty. Help please?
Unfortunately, an external Micro SD Card (MSD) AKA TF Card (16GB in your case) is and always was intended as space to store your media files. Books, pictures, videos, movies, music files etc. are what you should be putting there.
The later versions of Android don't allow apps to reside there, so that's why trying to move them didn't help.:(
I'd suggest you delete any apps you don't use on a regular basis to make room for the new stuff you want to download. If you ever need them again, you can restore them without having to pay again. Also, move any media files, notes etc. to the SD card.