Unable to Calibrate Accelerometer, How Can I Fix This?


Nov 11, 2012
Hi, I'm new to this forum and android so hopefully I'm at the right place.

So last week I bought a new tablet for just € 170 and it works surprisingly well considering what i paid for it.
It's a Cresta tablet 9.7 inch running android 4.0 (1.2 Ghz, 1GB ram).
Here you can find the specifications: CRESTA - CTP888 TABLET 9,7 INCH OS 4.0.4

The problem is, is that the accelerometer is about 15° off, which is very annoying for gaming, and nothing I do fixes this. I don't have the option to calibrate it in settings, and no application seems to be able to fix anything.

I read somewhere that there is a application in the system files that can calibrate the accelerometer. But how do I acces the system files and where do i find this application?

If you know the anser, post it, tell me and I'll thank you. :)