Unable to get into recovery mode on G-Tablet


Mar 4, 2011
I picked up one of the G-Tablet's when they went on sale last week for $279. I have a little experience rooting Android devices as I use a rooted Nook Color daily for surfing, email and games.

I followed the instructions located here: Installation Instructions

I have NOT updated the firmware via the OTA update that is being offered. My unit came with 1.1-3389.

I downloaded the Clockwork file, unzipped it and copied it to the internal memory. When I try to reboot by holding down the power button and the volume up button and letting go when I see the Viewsonic logo, I never see the "recovery mode" text. If I continue to hold the power button and the volume button the unit turns off.

Since the above instructions clearly state to put the files on the internal memory of the device, that's what I did. I know because I didn't have an SD card inserted at first.

When I couldn't get into recovery mode I inserted an SD card, formatted it and copied the files (the recovery folder + the update.zip) onto it by inserting it into the memory card slot on my laptop. Then I tried to reboot into recovery mode and had the same results ... If I let go of the power and volume-up buttons, it booted normally. If I held those buttons the unit powered off.

What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks!
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ACtually power+volume- puts the phone in APX mode which is needed to nFlash. What is the folder structure if your internal sd card. Do you have a \recovery folder and a zip file on the sd card root?
ACtually power+volume- puts the phone in APX mode which is needed to nFlash. What is the folder structure if your internal sd card. Do you have a \recovery folder and a zip file on the sd card root?

Yes, I have a \recovery folder and an update.zip in the root directory of the SD card.

UPDATE: I also tried it with both of the CW versions (internal & MicroSD) located on XDA with the same results...

Both sets of instructions located on CyanForum and XDAForum clearly state to hold the volume up along with the power button...

Thanks for taking time to help!
He says he's on 3389. Will it flash from 3389? I'd suggest doing the update to 3588 and then do the cwm instructions. Or will it do it from 3389?
I am still on the original OTA that my tablet came with. I never did any updates. I believe I am on 3389.

Either way I have never had any issues with CWM.
Fwiw, me too. never did the Ota

Sent from my GTablet using Android Tablet Forum
He says he's on 3389. Will it flash from 3389? I'd suggest doing the update to 3588 and then do the cwm instructions. Or will it do it from 3389?
Did you follow my instructions located here?

You've got over 550 posts, no not sure which one you are referring to..

But I did note your instructions here that advise not to do the OTA update... As I said in my original post, I haven't updated anything.

If you were referring to a different set of instructions, please provide the link. It's entirely possible I missed something important.

Thanks for your help...
I'd try the 3588 update. It wont hurt it and I can't think of anything else to do.

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b5.1.1 using Android Tablet Forum
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That is weird since the little dialog box will pop up even if cwm isn't working. I know u said u we're but once more mmake absoultely certain u press volume up and not down. Maybe your rocker sensor got put on backwaards. Hold power and volume down and see what happens.

Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b5.1.1 using Android Tablet Forum
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Question? Does your volume button work...period. That is, let the tablet boot up and make sure the darn thing actually works. Just sayin'...
I am having same problem and yes my vol buttons work

Don't hold power, just turn it on while holding the volume +. Do not let up on volume + until you get some text on top of the birds that say something like "recovery key detected" or similar.

Again, do not hold the power button. While device is off....hold volume + and turn on while continuing to hold volume +

Sent from my Viewsonic 10" GTab...CM7 style...
I resolved this issue - I was in fact pushing the volume down button, not the volume up ... Chalk it up to not knowing what the heck I'm doing! Thanks to all who replied with helpful info! Doug